Sunday School runs two or three times a month during our Sunday morning 10.00 am service. It is for school aged children; starting in church for the opening worship they then go to the Church Hall for their activities, returning to church for the end of the service.
The aim of Sunday School is to enable the children to learn in a way that they find enjoyable and engaging. Activities include games, craft and sometimes cookery but always centre on the Bible reading of the day and putting this in the context of the overall Bible timeline.
All Sunday School volunteers are DBS checked and parents must complete a registration/permission form for each child, which gives us essential contact information and notes of any allergies etc for them to attend. Parents/carers are welcome to observe or help out at Sunday School sessions.
We would be delighted for any child to join us for Sunday School. Please check the “Worship” page of the website to check when Sunday School is on.